1. Thou shalt not put everything and everyone else first all of the time.
This wears on thy spirit and body. Schedule some time each week to take care of thyself, to ensure happiness and productivity.
2. Thou shalt not spend all of thy time on graven images.
Close thy laptop. Put down thy smart phone. Sign-out of Facebook.
3. Thou shalt not call thyself names in vain.
“Stupid”, “dumb”, “fat”, “unattractive”, “procrastinator” and others tear away at thy spirit. Instead, think of five nice things about thyself each day.
4. Keep rules and boundaries holy.
Thou shalt not feel guilty for enforcing healthy limits and expectations of thyself and others.
5. Honor thy body and mind.
Take time to rest and rejuvenate them, and thy days shall be long upon the land.
6. Thou shalt not kill thy own self-esteem by being unforgiving to thyself.
Turn the other cheek for thyself, too.
7. Thou shalt not prostitute thyself to meet the endless needs and wants of others by always saying “Yes” to everything.
Learn to say “No.”
8. Thou shalt not steal time away from thy loved ones or children by constantly working and doing chores.
Take time for family and friends.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness to thy children by not enforcing rules and consequences as promised to them.
Help them learn to trust and to become responsible by giving them the opportunity to learn and grow as a result of their choices and thy gentle enforcement.
10. Thou shalt not covet another’s lifestyle, nor her home, nor her Botox, nor her clothes, nor her husband nor her children.
It’s not what it appears to be to others. They, too, have their problems and heartaches unknown to the outside world.