Ever had a problem that you weren’t sure how to fix? Dwelling on a leaky faucet, the dwindling funds in your banking account, or how to mend a friendship can certainly stress us out. You may wake up during the middle of the night with these worries on your mind. They can keep you from focusing at work. You can even find yourself starting to doubt your capabilities as a result of feeling like you can’t solve these problems.
And then you turn on the TV and see a movie where the ending makes the world a better place. You pull for the underdog in sporting events. You cheer when the geeky guy ends up happily ever after with the prom queen.
But why do these things have to happen in the movies or to someone else? Why can’t they happen for you? What’s holding you back?
Regardless of the issue, there are some surefire ways that you can tackle any of these problems:
1. You gotta wanna! Determination is NOT optional when setting out to overcome the world. It’s not enough to just think it would be nice. You’ve got to have determination, the kind that almost thrives off from being pissed off about something enough to take action into your own hands. Once you set out on the task, you’ll be amazed at how your own astonishment can fuel your actions!
2. Get the facts. Do some research and gather information from experts and top leaders in that field. Google makes this easy to do while sitting on the couch in your pajamas. Within seconds, diagrams, videos, step-by-step guides, instant chats with experts, and resources from around the world are easily accessible.
3. Get some opinions, too. Find out from others who have attempted this before what their pitfalls were- as well as their secret tips for getting through them. Read through the comments posted beneath the steps to find out additional insights.
4. Plan your work, and work your plan. Move from the research and planning into the action phase. Roll up your sleeves and start putting the steps into action. Don’t wait too long to work your plan! This is the point where you think less and do more.
5. Ask for help and support. It’s nothing to scoff at to ask for help. This help can be in the form of support, donations, prayers, sitting on the sidelines and cheering for you, or even handing you a hammer. Often, it takes the perspective of another person to say just the comment that allows you see it differently.
6. Review the facts and the plan, and make adjustments. There’s a reason why everyone isn’t setting out to do your task at hand. However, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Just because everyone else isn’t doing it, doesn’t mean you can’t. Look over the research again. Often there’s one tiny little detail that when tweaked, will make something that wouldn’t work during attempts 1-52 suddenly slide into place without a hitch on the 53rd try. I’m sure people thought that Thomas Edison was nuts when he locked himself in his work area for hours on end trying to tame electricity! Who’s calling him nuts now?
7. Be consistent. It’s not enough to just try something. Keep trying it. If the methods and steps you are using don’t seem to be helping, then make some tweaks and adjustments. But the key is to keep at it until you find the way that works for what you are trying to do!
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
By putting these tips into practice in your own life, you’ll soon see that you CAN do it after all! And the next time you can’t sleep at night, instead of worrying about how to solve a problem, it will be because you’re so excited about what you accomplished!