For the past two weeks, I’ve been sharing some ideas about parenting with you. Today, we’re going to zoom in a bit by focusing on the first of five principles: creating a safe, interesting environment.
Now, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably got the safety basics down pat. No, I’m not going to tell you about putting covers on the light sockets. Instead, I want to focus on the second word in that pairing a bit more: interesting.
A bored child is a misbehaving child. Boredom can come in with too many rules, unrealistic expectations (like sitting still and quiet in a waiting room), or even toys and books that have been read over and over again.
When you provide a variety of experiences, rotate out toys and books, exchange toys and games with other families, and carve out a place where they can’t break anything or get hurt, you’ve created a win-win for you and your children.
In this week’s video clip, we’re going to dive into that a bit more!
Can’t see the video? Click here to view it on the website or here to view it on YouTube.