We all have a particular hobby that we enjoy doing, reading a book, cross-stitching, going to the park for a walk on a nice day, whatever your hobby may be, it is important to incorporate it into your life! We live in a world that is constantly rushing us from here to there and it makes it extremely difficult to make time for ourselves to enjoy the little things.
For me personally, I love to dance. I have been lucky enough to add that into my daily life by teaching and taking classes at a studio. But there was a point in my life when I wasn’t involved in dance and believe it or not, I felt my emotional well-being decline. It felt as if I kept my emotions bottled up, I was stressed more often, and I didn’t feel like myself. I knew there was something missing in my life, and it was important to me to get it back. A lot of times we take care of so many other people and other things we forget to take care of the most important person: ourselves! If we forget to take care of ourselves we become cranky, burnt out, and just not very happy. No one wants to feel this way, so we need to put ourselves first and start doing what we love!
Now some of you may be saying to yourself, “I don’t have a hobby” or “I’m not good at anything” and this friends is not true! Everyone has something that brings joy to them and we just need to find it. So I have a challenge for you: Think about the things you hear your friends doing, whether it is creating a wreath, making a bird house, painting a canvas for the first time, baking and decorating a cake, whatever it may be that interests you, do it! Pinterest has a ton of great ideas for activities with arts and crafts, do it yourself ideas, and a lot of cheap easy ones too! I want you to find something that brings you joy. Being able to say “I completed that” will be a confidence booster for all! We all feel good when we accomplish a new activity and it will help reduce the daily stress if you just take an hour each day to work on something you love.
If you are struggling on trying to find something to do, no worries, I have another idea! Check into your local community college for courses offered! You are probably thinking I have lost my mind, but it can be fun! My mom and a couple of her girlfriends did a six week stain glass class where they were able to create their very own stain glass piece and learn all about it. It was a huge bonding experience for all of them and they even ended up buying the material and kept making new things at home long after the class was over. We still have her stain glass piece hanging in the bay window at home! My aunt also joined a cake decorating class in her town and she decorates like a pro now! So grab a friend and get to researching, there is no telling what you may find!
Next week in our class on activities we will go over:
- 10 fun and easy activities to add to your weekly routine
- Creating a business out of the hobby you love
- How to reduce stress by participating in activities
- Creating new friendships through activities and hobbies
Have a great week, and start doing something you love!