The world we live in is fraught with stress. In the United States, we are constantly pressured to keep up appearances. The “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality triggers many people to make bad …
3 Ways Financial Troubles Show Up in Your Relationship
I got out of the shower the other day with this random tune stuck in my head. I knew I had heard it before- but it wasn't ringing a bell. Where have I heard this? What's this from? Finally, …
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Pay It Forward- to Yourself! Save for a Rainy Day!
One of the things that women love and hate more than anything else is money! We have a unique relationship with it in our lives. We love to have it, but we often don’t like learning about it and …
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Reducing Stress During the Job Search
It seems like everyday on the news, updates are given on the numbers of those who are unemployed, the number of jobs available, and economic growth. For nearly two years, those rates seem to keep …
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